
10 Signs You Need to See a Dentist

Toothache and other types of oral health issues could be very problematic. A lot of people often take them lightly and don’t visit their dentists until the situation gets worse. However, until then, the damage is done beyond repair, so it is better to get yourself prepared for a dental check-up as soon as you experience a toothache, swollen gums or any other type of oral health condition. 

In this article, we are going to tell you about 10 signs you need to see a dentist — all of which are important for you if you want to keep your teeth and gums in good shape. 

Persistent Toothache

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Is your toothache not going away? Well, it’s a sign that you should see your dentist. A persistent toothache can be a result of a tooth infection, which could be building up in your mouth. It happens when the protective layer — hard enamel — of a tooth is damaged. This makes the pulp inside your tooth exposed to different types of oral bacteria in your mouth. Tooth decay is one of the most common causes of tooth pain.

So, treat it as a dental emergency and visit your dentist immediately. It is important to get it treated right away as it is the only way to put an end to the constant pain and discomfort. Also, if you are prolonging this matter and not seeing your dentist, the infection could get your tooth irreversibly damaged.

Swelling in Gums

This is also one of the major signs you need to see a dentist. Swelling in gums could be caused by a lot of different factors. It is a clear indication of an underlying problem. The development of gum disease or infection also results in swollen gums.

Gingivitis is one of the most common causes of swollen gums. This gum disease has mild symptoms, such as slight pain and sensitivity, which often go unnoticed. However, treatment of any kind of gum disease is important.

Swelling of light intensity in gums can be treated with home remedies and taking good care of your oral health, for example, using mouthwash, toothpaste, or an ointment. On the other hand, if you are unable to get your swollen gums cured with home remedies, visiting a dentist would be the only way then. You may be in need of proper dental treatment.

Inflammation in Gums

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Inflammation in gums is one of the most commonly occurring dental problems. It mainly happens to people who don’t practice dental hygiene in a proper and effective manner. Like swollen gums, inflammation could also be another symptom of Gingivitis. This infection won’t go away on its own until you get it properly treated.

There are some home remedies that could help you soothe your gums. For instance, you could brush and floss your teeth in a gentle way. You can also rinse your mouth using the saltwater mixture. It could also help you get relief from the inflammation in gums to some extent. 

If inflammation in gums is left untreated, it could spread to your jaw bone, resulting in very serious oral health conditions. So, it is better for you to get it checked by a dentist right away.

Teeth with White Spots

This is one of the major signs that you need to visit a dentist. These white spots appear on your teeth due to an oral health condition known as dental fluorosis. It usually occurs when you consume fluoride in an excess amount. Teeth with white spots could also be a sign of poor dental hygiene and other types of underlying diseases.

White spots on teeth are also caused by sugary and acidic foods. They can aid in bacteria growth in your mouth. To get rid of them, you can make use of a few home remedies like using the right amount of toothpaste or rinsing your mouth with fluoride-free water. The oral condition of white spots on teeth also leads to demineralization, resulting in thinner tooth enamel and weaker teeth. This is why it is important for you to see a dentist and try your best to get rid of white spots as soon as possible.

Tooth Discoloration

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It is also one of the most common dental issues. In this oral health problem, the color of your teeth changes from natural white to yellow, brown, white spots, and even black (in probably the worst stage of tooth decay). It ruins your smile and entails many other types of dental conditions as well. Tooth discoloration is often an age-related phenomenon but there are various other factors that could be associated with it.

Poor dental hygiene is another major reason behind the changing color of your teeth or people who smoke or consume too much caffeine also face such a problem. Smoking and drinking tea or coffee could turn your teeth brown. As people age, their teeth turn from white to yellow. However, dentists these days make use of many different types of advanced techniques to treat tooth discoloration. A dental professional can help you bring your beautiful smile back.

Increased Sensitivity

The intensity of discomfort or pain caused by sensitivity varies from case to case. It could make it very different for you to taste very hot or very cold food items. This means you won’t be able to enjoy taking a bite of ice cream or having a spoonful of hot cocoa, which usually becomes a dinner staple during the winter season.

Other than hot and cold beverages, the feeling of pain and discomfort can also be triggered by chemical-based mouthwashes and even brushing or flossing your teeth. Sensitive teeth could make your life very challenging. 

If you are brushing your teeth too hard, it could also make your teeth sensitive with time. From desensitizing toothpaste to root canal, a dentist could recommend you different types of remedies for sensitive teeth, according to your oral health condition.

Jaw Pain

Jaw problems are also among the most common dental issues, which you should be concerned about. It can severely affect your ability to eat and even speak. If you are having pain in your jaw, it could be caused by a number of reasons. One of the most common reasons behind jaw pain is muscle disorder.

You can apply heat or ice packs to get instant relief from jaw pain. The pain relief heat and ice packs are easily available in pharmacies. You need to apply it for 10-15 minutes to the affected area. You shouldn’t be having chewy foods or caffeine when you are suffering from jaw pain. In case of persistent jaw pain, you should definitely seek advice from a dental professional. A dentist can even treat patients with a temporomandibular joint disorder, which is related to many different types of jaw problems.

Loose Teeth

A loose tooth may be normal for a child but developing such a dental condition as an adult is something to be concerned about. It happens when a tooth slowly detaches from gums and jaws. In such a condition, even if you touch your tooth slightly, it would move. Things even get worse when you chew or bite something, leading to tooth loss.

Some of the most common symptoms that follow the oral health problem of a loose tooth include red gums, bleeding gums, swollen gums, and gum recession. All these symptoms could also be an indication of an underlying oral health problem, which is why it is important to talk to your doctor if you are noticing teeth looseness as an adult.

Bad Breath

One of the most important signs you need to see a dentist is the problem of bad breath. According to an estimate, one in every four people suffer from this oral health condition. Scientifically, the problem of bad breath is known as Halitosis. 

Not a lot of people visit dentists to get rid of bad breath because they take it lightly, which shouldn’t be the case. Bad breath can be an indication of a hidden oral disease, which could be causing damage to your gums and teeth internally. 

Poor oral healthcare is one of the major causes of bad breath. People who usually do not brush or floss their teeth regularly suffer from such a problem. If you are not getting their mouth thoroughly rinsed or cleaned, food could possibly remain stuck in your teeth or gum, which gets converted into harmful oral bacteria with time. This is why it is important for you to see a dentist and find out about the actual reason behind your bad breath.

Mouth Sores

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You should never take mouth sores lightly, especially the ones that are hurting a lot and making it hard for you to chew or swallow food. Sores can develop anywhere in your mouth and can be easily treated by a dentist. If ointment or other types of home remedies are not helping you get rid of your mouth sore, then you should see a dentist without wasting a second.

There could be many different causes behind the development of sores in your mouth. Some of the most common causes among them are infections caused by oral bacteria, viruses or fungus, a loose orthodontic wire causing irritation, an artificial teeth frame that doesn’t properly fit, a broken tooth or a filling with a sharp edge, or they could be one of the symptoms of an underlying dental disease or disorder.

Well, these were the 10 major signs you need to see a dentist. Also, regular dental checkups will be good for your oral health and protect you from tooth loss — helping you to maintain your picture-perfect smile.

What do you think?

Written by Spencer K