
5 Ways to Protect Yourself from Cold and the Flu

Each year with the change of weather, especially at the end of the autumn season and the beginning of winters, many different types of respiratory illnesses usually become viral. Well, while your internal system is adjusting to the seasonal change, it is very important for you to protect yourself from falling sick. After the Covid-19 pandemic, protecting yourself from catching a cold is now more important than ever before.

To help you stay fit, in this article, we have put together a list of five useful ways to protect yourself from the flu.

So, let’s get started!

Get the Flu Vaccine Shots

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Have you received your flu vaccine shot already? If not, then it is the very first thing you need to do to keep yourself from catching a cold. According to the statistics shared by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the flu vaccine played an integral part in preventing millions of flu cases during the 2018-19 cold season.

Everyone including even a six-month-old baby should get vaccinated for the flu on an annual basis. It is one of the safest and most effective preventive measures for people who don’t want to become a victim of any viral respiratory inspection. Even if by any chance you get the flu after receiving your vaccine shot, it would most probably reduce the severity of sickness.

Include Essential Vitamins and Minerals in Your Diet

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Your diet has a major role to play when it comes to your well-being. This is why one of the most useful ways to protect yourself from the flu and catching a cold. Take a look at the list of essential nutrients including vitamins and minerals. Are they a part of your daily diet? If not, then you should be aware of the fact that in order to make your immune system function properly, you need to consume Vitamin D, Vitamin C, and zinc on a regular basis.

If we specifically talk about Vitamin D, there are many different medical studies and surveys suggesting that this specific vitamin is extremely effective. It is required by your internal system to defend itself from many different types of respiratory illnesses. 

When we expose our body to sunlight, it naturally produces Vitamin D with the help of a chemical reaction. Citrus fruits like lemon, lime, and oranges can essentially provide your body with Vitamin C. You can also take vitamin supplements, only after consulting your doctor or physician.

Make Sure to Take Necessary Precautions

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Taking care of your hygiene is probably the most imperative thing you need to do if you want to protect yourself during the cold season. Wash your hands properly and ask your little ones to do the same. Keep a hand sanitizer and sanitary wipes with you wherever you go. Make sure to wear a mask all the time, especially when you are out or surrounded by a crowd of people.

It doesn’t only decrease your chance of contracting the coronavirus but also protects you from the flu and other forms of respiratory viral infections. The preventative measures for Covid-19 may also help you prevent the spread of the flu. It is important to maintain a safe distance from people who are not feeling well. Always wash or sanitize your hands before touching your eyes, ear, nose, or mouth.

Learn to Manage Your Stress

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Stress can put a very negative impact on your health. Making you psychologically weak. It can adversely affect the defense mechanism of the human body. So, try not to be stressed. Follow different techniques and methods to maintain your calm and keep things under control. Going through a stressful situation is no easy task but don’t let it ruin your health.

There are many different ways you can learn to manage your stress. Some of the most commonly used stress-reduction strategies include mindfulness and meditation. If you take a look at meditation, there are many different benefits associated with it, such as controlling anxiety, reducing stress, and improving sleep. If you are stress-free, your system could possibly be not attacked by the flu or any other type of respiratory infection. 

Maintain a Healthy and Active Lifestyle

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Stay active and try to keep yourself fit. There’s evidence that people who maintain a healthy lifestyle are less prone to catching a cold. It is important for you to find different ways based on physical workouts, sports, and exercises to keep your body physically fit, healthy and strong. Take care of your sleep patterns and make sure you are getting proper rest and sleeping well on a daily basis.

The healthier the body, the stronger the immune system. In these unprecedented times, where you may have to experience irregular and unhealthy work-life balance, don’t let anxiety take control of you. As discussed, manage your stress in different ways as it is one of the best techniques to make your immune system stronger with the help of the psychological powers of your brain. 

The above-listed ways will help you protect yourself from the flu. In case, you have fallen sick, there are certain foods you should avoid to ensure your speedy recovery.

What do you think?

Written by Spencer K