
7 Possible Dangers of the Keto Diet

Do you think the Keto diet is a weight-loss wonder? Well, it could help you lose weight fast if you follow the ultimate Keto diet plan that we have put together in one of our articles, but medically, it is one of those low-carbohydrate eating plans that come with serious health risks.

The word “Keto” is the short form for the term “Ketogenic”, which means a low-carb diet. However, the Ketogenic diet or more commonly referred to as the Keto diet is to induce the state of ketosis in your body. In this health condition, your body runs out of enough carbohydrates, so instead, it burns fat for energy.

The Keto diet is aimed to force your body to burn fat quickly, which means you could lose 90% of your calories intake on a daily basis. It sounds like something you shouldn’t be experimenting with unless you have consulted your doctor.

To help you figure out the risks involved, in this article, we are going to talk about the 7 possible dangers of the Keto diet.

Keto Flu

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Are you aware of the sickness named the “Keto flu”? Well, it is actually a type of flu that is associated with the diet plan that a lot of people are following these days. According to a survey conducted by a group of medical practitioners, some people who started following the Keto diet initially got sick.

The health symptoms associated with the Keto flu may include vomiting, the feeling and pain of gastrointestinal distress, experiencing fatigue, and a lot of lethargy. According to health experts, around 25% of people who are following keto diet plans experience such kinds of health conditions, with fatigue highly common among them all.

It is common to feel down or get lethargic when your body doesn’t have enough carbs to make energy and it starts burning fat. The good thing is the symptoms of Keto flu can be overcome to some extent. To do so, you need to drink a lot of water and get plenty of sleep. Natural energy sources like increasing your intake of organic coffee and matcha green tea would also help.

May Stress Your Kidneys

The Keto diet recommends you to consume High-fat animal foods that may include eggs and meat as well as dairy products such as cheese. It is because such types of food don’t have any traces of carbs. However, it has been medically proven that if you eat a lot of high-fat animal foods, you could be at a higher risk of developing kidney stones.

If you consume animal foods excessively, it could result in your blood and urine becoming more acidic. This could lead to a condition where you will be urinating more than usual. And, in this way, you’ll be excreting more calcium in the form of acidic urine.  

Some studies and surveys have suggested that the keto diet plan also reduces the amount of citrate that is excreted from your body while you are urinating. A citrate is a very critical chemical agent that binds to calcium and prevents the process of kidney stones formation in your body. So, reduced levels of citrate in your urine may significantly raise the health risk of developing kidney stones.

May Lead to Nutrient Deficiency

Nutrient deficiencies are usually a common health condition in people who follow low-carb diet plans. Since the basic aim of the keto diet is to restrict many different types of foods, especially the ones that are high in fat and carbohydrates including legumes, nutrient-dense fruits, and whole grains, it often fails to provide some of the most essentials vitamins and minerals that are required by your body on a daily basis.

According to some case studies, keto is unable to provide important nutrients like calcium, magnesium, vitamin D, and phosphorus.  It has been evaluated by many health experts that the nutrient composition of common low-carb diets provides less than half of the vitamins and minerals that a human body needs to naturally obtain from food. Over time, this may lead to nutrient deficiencies.  

The guidelines by the medical professionals who manage individuals following a very-low-calorie keto diet plan for weight loss particularly recommend supplementing with all the essential nutrients and minerals that the body needs to function. It includes sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium, psyllium fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins B, C, and E.

hings to Remember: It is very important for you to keep track of the nutritional adequacy of the keto diet plan you’re following. It may greatly vary and depend on the food items you are regularly consuming. It is always a good idea to follow a diet that is rich in healthy low-carb foods, such as nuts and different types of non-starchy fruits and vegetables. They are a better and richer source of nutrients than high-fat items like processed meats.

May Cause Low Blood Sugar

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Low-carb diets like different types of keto eating plans have been medically proven to be helpful in terms of managing blood sugar levels, especially in diabetic patients. However, patients who have been suffering from type 1 diabetes could experience more episodes of low blood sugar, which may get dangerously low if they are following keto diets. 

The most common symptoms of such a health condition include mental confusion, fatigue, shakiness, and sweating. It is known as hypoglycemia and in the worst-case scenario, it may result in coma or even death if it is not treated in time.

Can Lead to Ketoacidosis

Ketogenic diets, which are basically based on low carbohydrate and high-fat intakes may result in a health condition known as Ketoacidosis. It is basically the malfunctioning of metabolism that is triggered by the uncontrolled production of ketones. The health risks in metabolic acidosis are very high. 

It is a potentially life-threatening condition that is commonly caused by ketoacidosis. It is one of the 7 possible dangers of the Keto diet that you should be aware of. The risks associated with ketogenic diet plans could lead to serious conditions if you are not careful about what you are consuming on a regular basis.

Reduces Athletic Performance

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When you’re on keto, you may experience exertion more frequently, a higher pulse rate, and lower energy when it comes to exercising and performing in sports. The Keto diet plan can negatively impact your ability to get trained. It is absolutely not ideal for athletes as they need to regularly consume calories and other essential nutrients on a daily basis to maintain their physical health and strength.

According to a study, people who are following a ketogenic diet usually perform more poorly at different types of anaerobic exercises and physical tasks than those eating more carbs. Varying from task to task, their performance was between 4 and 15 percent lower than individuals consuming high carbohydrates. Depleting athletic performance is one of the greatest dangers of the Keto diet.

Can Lead to Dehydration and Constipation

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Any diet that is depriving your body of the essential calorie intake is like you are starving yourself.  If you are consuming under 1,200 calories daily, it is undoubtedly a starvation diet and if you are looking for a long-term and healthy weight-loss solution, then the Ketogenic diet is not meant for you. 

The Keto diet makes your body habitual of digesting fewer carbs and burning more fat for energy. This could also lead to dehydration and constipation. However, you can always overcome these symptoms by drinking plenty of water, exercising regularly, and making use of natural ingredients that are high in fiber such as green vegetables, chia seeds, and berries.

These were the 7 possible dangers of the Keto diet that you should be aware of. It is better to get in touch with a health expert or a nutritionist before you start following any of the low-carb eating plans, especially the Ketogenic diet, keeping in view the health risks involved.

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Written by Spencer K