
This is how I saved over 90% on my drug prescriptions and you can too

If you’re reading this, chances are that you take one or more medication (whether its a prescription drug or over the counter, doesn’t matter) and you’re interested in knowing whether you can save money on those… well you can.

Recently I had a conversation with my pharmacist and he mentioned this easy way of saving money on my prescription. I will break it down for you and show you how you can save on your prescriptions in just one simple click.

The Process

In order to get the lowest price possible, one has to cut out the middle man. If you are able to get to your pharmacist directly without the need to go through your insurance, you will save a lot of money. Insurance companies are the middle man.

You can literally get medications for less than your copay… how crazy is that?

Ready… Set… Save!

I know the pharmacists and they can help you save money as well. You don’t need to worry about some corporate company spamming your phone all day long when you deal with a trusted pharmacist.

Just provide your name and phone number below and expect a call from a pharmacist.

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Check out their website if you have any questions. They are based in New Jersey.

More details on the pharmacy:

Pharmacy Express
991 Main St, Paterson, NJ 07503
(973) 754-1000

What do you think?

Written by Spencer K