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The Best Simon Sinek Books for Business Leaders

“The more that you read, the more things you’ll know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”

Dr. Seuss

Being an avid book reader is known to be the hallmark of a great leader. The written word is and always will be the greatest source of knowledge and inspiration to those who seek it. Simon Sinek is a celebrated author and motivational speaker. His books and speeches inspire organizations and leaders around the world. Here the best Simon Sinek books that every aspiring leader should read:

Start with Why

Start With Why; How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action was the first of five books written by Simon Sinek. It was published in 2009 and even today remains relevant as a book that leaders in general and business heads, in particular, should read. In this book, Simon talks about a concept known as the
Golden Circle. He then goes on to explain why it should be approached, the inside out; starting with the why!

You can pick up a copy of the book from Amazon here

Leaders Eat Last

Simon Sinek’s next book came in 2014 and the title is a good representation of what it talks about. Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don’t, describes the traits which are found in aspiring bosses around the world. Simon Sinek answers the question of how some teams can work so cohesively that at times, members will make sacrifices on a personal level to help assist the overall
division. The book goes on to show how this characteristic is found in great leaders.

Leaders Eat Last is a New York Times bestseller and you can get one from Amazon here.

Together is Better

Humans beings are created to be social animals yet many of us prefer to have solitary lives. While this is difficult in personal lives, it also hampers professional development. Simon Sinek addresses this phenomenon in his book Together is Better; A Little Book of Inspiration. It talks about how people prefer to create careers or happy private lives alone and why they shouldn’t. The happiness and success that lies in being with others is unparalleled.

Together is Better is available in hardcover here for those willing to give it a read.

The Infinite Game

The latest publication from Simon Sinek takes a different approach than his previous literary works. This book offers a more holistic view about life and how people sometimes misjudge the whole concept of it. The term ‘infinite game’ refers to life itself. The author takes this opportunity to differentiate between finite games like basketball or baseball where rules are defined and players are known. In an infinite game like politics, business or life for that matter, everything is unpredictable. This impacts the way these games are meant to be played.

The Infinite Game can be found in a variety of forms here with versions that cater to both digital and hardcopy readers.

Also Read: The Concept of Niche Marketing: How Effective is it?

What do you think?

Written by Spencer K