
  • How to Brighten Your Mood: 14 Tips

    It becomes really hard for you to focus or do anything right in your life if you feel depressed or stay in a bad mood most of the time. The feeling of displeasure might also lower your self-esteem, which could negatively impact your creativity and make you less productive. There are many different ways to […] More

  • How I Gave Up On Overthinking And How It Helped Me

    Our mind is like a whole never-ending mystery which forces us to procrastinate over plenty of things! One of the most stressful journeys in life is to overthink situations which makes it difficult to understand how badly we are affecting our mental health. There is no specific phase to overthinking. It can happen anytime, anyplace, […] More

  • How meditation can change your life

    Have you ever wondered what meditation can do to you? Or why several people around the world spend 10 minutes minimum every single day of their lives to meditate? We have all heard of yoga of course but let’s get rid of the misconceptions first. Meditation is not necessarily yoga although you can induce yoga into […] More

  • Why it’s good to be a little self-centered

    We’ve all surely come across someone in our lifetime who is completely self-centered or self-obsessed with themselves and lets be real, some of us may have even judged that individual as arrogant, stuck up or egoistic and no doubt from your point of view it may seem quite annoying; but truth being said, sometimes it’s […] More