

I have been in London for the last 6 years. Being an Overseas qualified Dentist, I have worked in numerous clinics as a Practice Manger , Treatment Coordinator and Trainee dental care professional. I have observed many Dental clinics during the process. I chose Dentistry as my profession, as I had an eye for detail, a perfectionist at heart and when it comes to selection an Alpha personality type, I never compromise on quality!. I always search for the Best in Everything! If I cant go to that Dentist myself or take my family , I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone else either. 

So if your clinic didn’t make it to the list, it is either that I haven’t been to it personally or You better Up your game to make it to the List!

These are the recommendations based entirely on the Practices I have personally been to or worked at. This is not in any way suggesting to not do your own research to look for best Dental practices in London, but this is purely an honest review on my own experience and observation as a Dentist. 


1)Linda Greenwall Practice London -Oral surgery 

Dr Linda has immense experience in all areas of Dentistry. working with her for Just One day gave me an insight of the extreme professionalism at her practice. The place is immaculately clean and tidy, with state of the art equipment and protocols and experienced Dentists specialising in Ortho (aligning straightening teeth) Prostho (missing teeth, dentures, bridges) Endo (root canals RCT) and Operative (fillings white or silver with Crowns) to a very dedicated hygienist. Don’t take my word for it , go and check it out yourself!

 2) NW1 Dental care- Cosmetic Dentistry

This is not because I work here, Hence placed it on number 2 but because I have seen the Dentists extremely friendly and cooperative towards the patients, They don’t just disregard the Patients concerns, they attend to it in the highest order. ‘A human Dentist’  as they are known ,A wonderful team to work with! Dr Bodane has an eye for detail with composite fillings or COSMETIC Composite Bonding Veneers, and Invisalign clear braces. 

3) BDSK Bergin Davis Sidelsky Dental Practice –Minimally Invasive Dentistry 

I love to go for anything minimally invasive, and If its my own body and a dental treatment then I definitely don’t want an invasive treatment. This clinic is a perfectionist in minimally invasive dentistry and very economical too! Recommended by many old patients. 


After a thorough search for the Best dental Hygienist in London, this clinics has got to be the best after Harley as this is economical too. 

5) NOVA DENTAL- Endodontics

I would recommend this practice for a quick RCT , Dr Shirin has got to be the the fastest RCT specialist I have seen many dentist have been coming to her for their own RCT.

I am still in search for the BEST in other areas of Dentistry so would regularly update the article to keep discovering the best practices in London.

What do you think?

Written by aimen