
7 Easy and Simple Microwave Recipes

Meals that can be prepared in a matter of minutes are always the best options to treat ourselves when we are craving something light but wholesome. One of the most beloved kitchen appliances in our homes these days is usually the microwave oven. 

Wondering why? 

It is because using a microwave, we can get ourselves served with piping hot food instantly. This kitchen appliance doesn’t only let us reheat food quickly and easily but also allows us to prepare some really delicious and healthy recipes in no time.

Here are the 7 easy and simple microwave recipes that can be prepared real quick.

Toast Nuts in the Microwave

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Toasted nuts always sound oh-so-delicious. When roasted or toasted, nuts usually release their natural oils that make them extremely aromatic, making you crave them even more. Thanks, to the microwave oven, you won’t need to go through the hassle of heating up your whole oven to get your pan of tasted nuts ready.

You can now simply get them toasted in a microwave, which is very convenient. It may not give them get darker as they get in an oven, but microwave toasted nuts would get the same crispy and crunchy texture.

Delicious Homemade Popcorns

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Well, one of the easiest and tastiest snacks you can prepare in a microwave oven is a bowl of homemade popcorns. There are plenty of brands that are offering different types of flavored popcorns that be prepared in a microwave. 

Popcorns in cheesy flavors are probably the most famous among all the available options. You easily get them from any of your nearest supermarkets. A bowl of hot and cheesy popcorns is all you need to enjoy your favorite flick at home and call it a “perfect movie night!”.

Scrambled Eggs

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Did you know you can actually prepare your all-time favorite scrambled eggs in a few minutes using a microwave oven? Yes, you read it right! All you have to do is to prepare your mixture in a bowl with eggs and other ingredients that may include your favorite seasonings. 

Stir the mixture after every thirty seconds unit you think it is properly cooked and there you have it — your microwaved scrambled eggs! Microwave ovens have made our lives so much easier.

RECOMMENDED: In case you want to clarify your doubts about the health hazards associated with preparing food in a microwave, then you should check out our article titled ‘Can Microwaving Food Cause Cancer?’. It also gives you some handy tips on how to heat your food properly using a microwave oven.

Poached Eggs

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You can also prepare poached eggs in a matter of minutes using a microwave. This is why we have also included it in the list of the X easy and simple microwave recipes that we are discussing here. The traditional method of preparing a poached egg is very tricky. You have to make sure that you are swirling the water at the right speed. Also, you need to be very careful with the quantities of ingredients you use that include alt and vinegar — not too much or less — just enough. 

However, now the microwave is here to save you from all that hassle. All you need is a microwave-safe bowl, eggs, a little salt and vinegar, and of course, hot water to serve yourself some delicious microwave-poached eggs.

Microwave Cake Mug Recipes

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There are many different types of instant cake mixtures available these days that can be prepared in a microwave oven. All you have to do is to pour the ingredients (with water) into a microwave-safe mug as per the instructions (mentioned on the packaging). 

Now, stir the cake mixture and leave it in the microwave for a few minutes. Set your microwave at the prescribed temperature. There you go, you have got your no-mess mug cake ready in no time, which could be your perfect afternoon snack.

Steamed and Seasoned Vegetable

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Do you like vegetables? If yes, then there are some really easy and simple microwave recipes for you that can be tried using different vegetables. For example, you can take broccoli, put it in a microwave-safe bowl and cover it. Once ready, top the vegetables with your favorite seasonings, for example, lemon and garlic — and enjoy. Now you won’t be needing a steamer.

Quick Fact: Vegetables take a lot less time to get completely cooked in a microwave oven. This was they retain all of their essential nutrients, which is not the case with traditional cooking methods. 

Bowl of Sumptuous Mac and Cheese

Admit it, we all love mac and cheese. And, yes, it is one of the best microwave recipes you can easily prepare at home. Surprising, isn’t it? Now, you don’t need to rely on ready-made macaroni and cheese recipes with the strange-looking orange-colored cheese powder.

To prepare your very own microwave version of mac and cheese. You simply need three ingredients: macaroni, water, and your favorite type of cheese, and of course, a microwave oven to get your recipe ready. 

These were some of the easiest and most delicious microwave recipes that can be instantly and easily prepared at home. All these recipes that can be prepared in a microwave oven can also work perfectly in case you’re looking to satisfy your midnight cravings with wholesome meals.

If you like reading this article, share it with your friends and family so you can try and enjoy some of these recipes together. Also, stay tuned to for more interesting food-related posts.

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Written by Spencer K