
6 Challenges of Remote Learning that Students Face (and Their Solutions)

Owing to the threat posed by the highly contagious and deadly coronavirus, many colleges and universities have moved to virtual learning during the pandemic. It is a very difficult adjustment that students have to make in their routine, who remain accustomed to in-person classes throughout their entire life. 

If you are also finding it hard to keep up with your online educational routine, then this article is meant for you. Here we have listed down and discussed the six major challenges of remote learning faced by a majority of students and their solutions. 

Feeling Less Motivated 

Teachers use different platforms to take online classes depending on their convenience. This usually creates confusion among their students, which could also be demotivating 

Taking online classes, the majority of students feel as if there is more work to do. Most of them find it hard to keep up with the pace of their course because they are unable to keep their routine organized as they do while taking in-person classes. 

One of the best solutions to stay motivated is to always prepare yourself ahead of your schedule. Take it as seriously as if you’re going to a college or university. Keep your workstation or study table prepared and your notes organized before your online class begins. It is how you can overcome one of the biggest challenges of remote learning. 


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Distractions are among the most horrifying realities of taking virtual classes. They can be anything like a delivery guy at the door or maybe a pet running around your home office. These incidents can not only be disruptive for you but for everyone in a virtual classroom session. Consequently, all these distractions – and additional responsibilities – make time management very challenging. 

The best way to reduce distraction and increase your focus and productivity in online sessions is to make a strict study schedule and communicate it with the other household members. You can also share with them the timetable for your online classes, so they know when not to disturb you. Identify the time when it is quiet in your living space, usually in the late hours of the evening, and complete your coursework then if you’re comfortable. 

Technical Issues

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Technical issues could arise without any warning. They are among the most difficult challenges of remote learning faced by students. Technical issues paired with a poor internet connection could be a disaster. 

Sometimes your computer would shut down due to some kind of malfunctioning or your wifi signals could drop because of poor internet connection or problem in your home internet router. 

Keep your teachers aware of the situation you could be facing. This could make them adopt a more flexible attitude and they might also excuse your absence. Always record online classes if possible. You could also get recorded video lectures from the learning management system (LMS) of your educational institution. 

Don’t Forget to Read: How Digital Learning is Going to Change School and Education

Poor Online Training Content

Students who are taking online classes only feel motivated if they have been taught and trained with high-quality content. However, if the quality of the online training and educational content is poor, then students would lack interest in students. They would quickly realize that they could learn a lot on their own using platforms like Google, YouTube, and Wikipedia, instead of being in an online class.

Poor online training content is one of the most concerning challenges of remote learning and the best way to overcome it is to talk to your teacher about it. If your teacher is finding it hard to understand, you can always get in touch with your college/university management. 

Make sure you’re conveying your message to people who are a lot older and senior in position than you in a polite way. You could be risking your future if you aren’t doing anything about poor-quality online training content. 

Learners Being Left Behind

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Unlike in-person classes where teachers can always monitor the expressions and behavior of their students, students who have been left behind in keeping up with the pace of the coursework could remain unnoticed. 

A lot of individuals say nothing and stay silent during the virtual sessions because of some kind of distractions at home, workload burden, or poor internet connection. 

Well, the only most effective solution to this problem is to adopt a more proactive approach. Don’t hesitate in asking questions from your teacher again and again if you’re facing some kind of confusion or problem in following your coursework. 

Keep them informed about everything, so they would be aware of your situation. It is a widely accepted fact that online classes have ruined the true meaning of education for many, which means there could be a chance for you to get an exception or be given another chance to make up for your lost progress. 

Poor Relationships with Peers

There is a really huge difference between interacting with someone in person and chatting with them online. While at the campus, if you are sitting right next to your peer, it would possibly create a strong bond between two people. 

Online sessions are causing almost all of the social aspects of the educational life of a student and their benefits to diminish. However, there is a solution to reverse it. 

You need to increase your person-to-person interaction while taking an online course. How about getting on a group call and working on educational projects collectively. Join webinars and other forums where your entire group could get answers to their questions and get their problems resolved. 

Now that we have discussed all the major challenges of remote learning faced by students in today’s world and their solutions, we’ll wrap up here. If you found this post informative, don’t forget to share it with your friends and family. 

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Written by Spencer K