
  • How Are We Using Science to Make Our Everyday Life Easier?

    No one can deny the important role played by science in the very basic needs of our daily lives. Science has had an impact on everything which includes food, transportation, energy, leisure activities, medicine, technology, sports and much more. Improvement of human life is undoubtedly revolving around science. Approximately everything that we do every day […] More

    10 Points
  • Is Google Stadia Worth it?

    Cloud gaming has become more popular and easily accessible than ever before due to the widespread availability of high-speed internet and cutting-edge devices supporting it.  Knowing the importance and increasing demand of cloud gaming, Google also decided to jump into the field with a device and online service named “Stadia”.  So, is Google Stadia worth […] More

  • 5 Upcoming Sports Video Games to Be Excited For

    The gaming industry has grown to a size where it is larger than the music and movie industries combined. Yes, the video game market is bigger than Hollywood. Although they appeal to a specific audience, video games are still the talk of the town. This craze has led many leading sports bodies to launch their […] More