
  • Do Celebrities Actually Run Their Twitter Accounts?

    With all the latest happenings and developments, Twitter is going famous with each passing day. It has millions of active users who check their accounts, tweet, retweet, create and follow trends. All these facts make Twitter an unavoidable platform for celebrities. Politicians, actors, singers, entrepreneurs, and even influential humanitarians; all these people have existence on […] More

  • 7 Simple Steps to Become an Internet Celebrity

    Internet is now accessed by billions of people for multiple uses. However, with the presence of Social Media and multiple video sharing websites, it has become a way better source of entertainment than the television and radios. Smartphone technology has made it possible for us to access internet almost every time and everywhere. This is […] More

  • The Matrix (almost) Has You

    Recent, nonpartisan revelations have shown a scary nightmare has come true: the global ethno-nationalists who brought us Brexit, Trump, etc. have been actively working to game not just Facebook and Twitter, but Google, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, and just about any other place where folks gather in any numbers online. Why is that so terrifying? The […] More