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Stay hydrated this summer with these 7 foods

Each summer seems to get hotter than the previous one and there’s no doubt global warming is one of the cause behind the intense heat; so it is extremely important to stay hydrated at all times and prevent yourself from a heat stroke. Of course, drinking plenty of water seems to be the best choice but did you know there are several food items that can also aid in keeping your body not just hydrated but refreshed as well? We’ve compiled a list of the top hydrating food below so make sure to consume these items as much as you can this summer!


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This veggie is probably everybody’s favorite which is a great thing because cucumbers tend to consist of about 95% of water! It also contains several nutrients such as B1, B2, B3, B5, iron, zinc, vitamin C and magnesium, so munch on this tasty snack as much.



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Watermelons are delicious and are filled with tons of Vitamin A, vitamin C and Vitamin B6. They are filled with about 92% of water and can be consumed as a juice also.




This light veggie contains about 95% water in it and is excellent source of nutritional fiber. It also acts a natural cure for heart burn. You can simply munch on them with a dip if you prefer.


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Mangoes are the perfect fruit for the summer season as this juicy fruit is filled with vitamin A and C which not only helps to keep you well hydrated but also improves your skin as the harsh sun rays can damage them during the summer.



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The perfect ingredient to most salads, tomatoes hold about 94% of H2O in them and are great for your skin especially during summers as they protect it from sun damage. Have it with every meal or as a snack.



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This juicy red little berry is great for hydration as it contains almost 91% of water in their little body. Strawberries are also great for your skin and can be consumed in the form of smoothies, shakes or with some yogurt.


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Although by its appearance it may not seem like the type of veggie enhancing hydration, in reality however it totally does. Cauliflowers hold 92% of water in them and are great are maintaining fiber and cholesterol in your body. It can be served boiled, grilled or with salads.

What do you think?

Written by maliha