
How Often Should You Wash Your Bedsheets?

Taking care of your beddings and other related accessories is one of the home hygiene essentials. Proper hygiene is very important, especially when it comes to your living space. Everything that gets in contact with you should be thoroughly cleaned if required to avoid bacteria and different types of allergens that could be infectious and harmful for you.

The information we are about to share in this article will help you decide how often to wash bedsheets to keep them free from dust, dirt, and other pollutants.

Why It’s Important to Wash Your Sheets

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People should wash and clean their beddings according to their usage. Generally, it is recommended to wash your sheets at least once a week. It could be an overviewing task for those who don’t use their beddings much or have a fewer number of household members.

No matter the size of your family and the arrangement of your home, washing your bedsheet is essential to maintaining the hygiene of your space for many different reasons.  

Washing your beddings becomes even more important for you if you have people who experience different types of allergies and respiratory health conditions like asthma around you. Washing your bedsheet and making your bed once a week or twice appears to be a time-consuming task but it surely is worth your time and effort.

Some of the most common elements that can contaminate your beddings include dirt, dead skin cells, the infestation of dirt mites, sweat, and body oils. It is recommended to wash your sheets more during the warmer months.

The Best Way to Wash Your Bedding

Looking for the best way to wash your bedding? Here are some useful tips for you

Go through all the labels on your bedsheet to make sure there are no specific requirements to clean them. The bedsheets that are produced and sold in today’s world can be easily washed and treated with a washing machine.

Depending on the material of your bedding or the label instructions, use lukewarm or hot water while washing your sheets. It is important to be sure that you are not damaging your beddings while cleaning them.

Whenever you are machine washing your sheets, it is important to use detergents that are gentle and light on chemicals. There is a wide range of detergents available these days that can be safely used for machine wash.

People who are prone to different types of skin allergies or have sensitive skin should carefully remove all the residues of detergents once they have washed their sheets. If convenient, rinsing your sheets more than once is the best you can do in this regard.

If you wash light-colored beddings with the darker ones, they may get stained. So, it is better not to mix bedsheets of different colors while washing them if you don’t want to ruin their look.

Some People May Need to Wash Their Sheets More Often

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The rule of washing your bedsheet every once a week may differ for different people. So, if you are wondering how often to wash bedsheets, take a look at your usage. Find out how often the beddings in your home get dirty.

People who have a larger family or have pets at home may need to wash their sheets frequently. The same goes for households with your children and toddlers. Having a tropical environment, like the one you may experience in the warmer season, you tend to sweat more, which clearly means that you would be needing to make your bed more often. 

Cleaning your bed linens also becomes one of the most essential home chores if you have a household member that is suffering from a medical condition or has skin problems, which could get worse by sitting or lying on a dirty bed sheet.

Some people also allow their furry friends to climb on their beds to play and enjoy themselves. It may not be visible to the naked eye but pets can turn your clean and tidy bed into a mess, depending on the way they shed. So, pet owners should try to wash their sheets at least once a week if they want to properly maintain the hygiene of their beddings.

What About Other Bedding?

Different types of beddings may have different cleaning requirements, depending on their material and intensity of usage. Here is a list of some of the most important beddings in your home and techniques to clean them.

Pillow: After bedsheets, pillows, and their covers are among the most used beddings in your living space. The very first thing you need to do is to use a vacuum to get rid of any dust particles on your pillows. Once the dust is out of the way, clean your pillow using a damp cloth with the help of a mild detergent. Try to wash your pillowcases once a week and pillows every 4 to 6 months if required.

Duvet Cover: Duvet cover protects your beddings from dust particles and other types of contaminants. If you are planning to wash your duvet cover at home, you should be using cold water for the cleaning job and get it dried carefully in your machine or on a clothesline. Duvet covers are required to be washed once or twice a month.

Comforter: The best way to clean your comforter at home is using a washing machine. Add the machine-friendly detergent and run a cycle with both cold and warm water. Once you are done with the ashing cycles, rinse your comforter with water to get rid of any possible detergent residues. A comforter needs to be washed every two to three months if you use them frequently.

Blanket: The process of cleaning your blanket is similar to that of the comforter. You need to run a delicate cycle in your washing machine with cold water. If possible, use the lowest spin settings to avoid damaging the delicate fibers of your blanket, and don’t use bleach, chlorine, and other types of harsh chemicals. Depending on the usage, blankets should also be washed every 2 to 3 months.

We hope the things we have mentioned and discussed above will help you figure out how often to wash bedsheets to keep your space neat, germ-free, and hygienic. Along with taking care of your beddings, it is also important for you to change your mattress after every 6 to 8 years to make sure your bedroom is always sparkling clean.

What do you think?

Written by Spencer K