
How Artificial Intelligence is Changing the Way We Live?

“Technology is going to disrupt the future of work, perhaps sooner than we thought”

Brian Cornell

Well, it is happening as we speak. Sophistication in technology is allowing even the most mundane tasks to be done without human intervention. Humans are working continuously to create algorithms and systems that can replicate our brain function and decision making. We have come a long way in accomplishing what is more commonly known as Artificial Intelligence.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

More frequently called AI, Artificial Intelligence is the development of programs and systems that can undertake tasks that would otherwise require functions of the human brain like speech recognition, analysis of body language, decision making and visual perception etc.

The first workshop on the concepts of AI was conducted back in 1659. So, it is by no means a new idea but its implementation didn’t begin until the 21st Century. Artificial Intelligence has been part of our lives through small features in certain applications but now, it is being programmed to take on a wider role.

The Applications

AI is exactly what the name represents. It aims to be a substitute for human intelligence because that is the only thing that machines are unable to do as of now. Artificial Intelligence applications stretch far and wide. It is used in simple programs like camera applications to detect faces or other objects and then decide things like aperture, contrast and other modes accordingly.

More advanced uses of AI include replacing human beings in professions like a pilot, drivers and even soldiers on the battlefield. Those drones from Iron Man movies may be a reality of the future. Artificial Intelligence is touted as being a tool to ease human efforts or in some cases, keep them out of harm’s way. It is a fascinating concept with far-reaching effects.

AI that We use Every Day but Never Noticed

AI has already become a part of our lives. We use virtual assistants like Amazon’s Alexa and Apple’s Siri on a daily basis. These are prime examples of AI at work. Google, at a recent demonstration, was able to show their smartphone assistant making human-like interactions with other people to schedule appointments or even inform parents about the whereabouts of their children.

Many other everyday applications and appliances use AI around us. Refrigerators with ‘smart’ thermostats are a form of AI. In fact, most equipment with a ‘smart’ in their model name has a basic form of Artificial Intelligence working within the operating system. AI is important because these devices have to take a few decisions on their own and it is not possible to feed every single scenario into the algorithm.

Future Prospects of Artifical Intelligence

The future of AI is fascinating. It is a concept that was formulated with extensive applications in mind and the point where we are now is just the beginning. In the future, AI will be able to take exploration, conflict and other expeditions to places where humans have never gone before. It will be able to open new frontiers be it in outer space or the deepest depths of Planet Earth.


Stephen Hawking predicted that computers with AI will overtake humans in the next 100 years; we have to make sure that their goals are aligned with ours. Otherwise, the consequences are going to be quite profound.

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What do you think?

Written by Spencer K